The Fellowship of the Tweet: A Grateful Member

rPhoto by Tim Dawson-free for noncommercial use

I’ve always felt a little odd. A lone wolf. I usually don’t mind, but you rarely grow in isolation. You need others to encourage you. To push you. To inspire you.

I had no idea I needed a Twitter PLN. I didn’t even know what a PLN was until 8 years ago around this time actually. I was in the last PD session before we were out for Thanksgiving holidays. To say we were all ready to go was an understatement.

The PD was edcamp style and the last session was entitled, “Building a PLN.” I went to it because the others were all on academics areas and I wanted to learn something totally different.

However, I  had no idea this session was about to change me in so many ways.

I went to the session and was introduced to Twitter. We all joined and I sent out my first tweet. I enjoyed the session but I wasn’t sure if I was going to continue using it. BUT…I was intrigued enough to give it a try.

My mom had recently had knee surgery so we all had to stay the living room most of the holiday since she was still recovering. We all sat around watching holiday movies and I thought it would be a good time to explore Twitter.

I have never stopped exploring Twitter from that time. I found a new idea, quote, or interesting educator every time I signed on the site.  I lurked for a LONG time but finally started asking questions and interacting with other educators. I was amazed those on Twitter answered me back! I slowly started sharing a few things. I was even more amazed that other teachers started asking me questions about things I was doing in my classroom. It validated so many things I believed about education and teaching.

Then I started joining Twitter educational chats and reading blogs. Now I am the moderator for #2ndchat and cannot imagine teaching without the fellowship of those in my Twitter PLN.

My Twitter PLN has introduced me to project-based learning, ideas for using GAFE for littles, and gamification. The biggest thing my PLN has taught me is that I am not alone. I need my PLN to be better and I’ve learned that I am needed to help someone else be better.

Teaching is like a journey and an adventure. Much like the Fellowship of the Ring. We are from all different places, subject areas, and starting points but have joined up to pursue excellence in education.

My team members are not just the ones down the hall but from around the world.  I will be forever grateful for all they have brought to my classroom and my life. 


16 thoughts on “The Fellowship of the Tweet: A Grateful Member”

  1. Twitter is the best PLN–I totally agree. Thanks for helping to share the good word with those who still haven’t embraced it:)

    1. I think it’s to remember how much we need this community no matter how long we have been part of a Twitter PLN. I’m beyond grateful for it!

  2. Really enjoyed reading this and it resonated with me so much.LIke you, I had no idea what a PLN was, I was not on Twitter and felt isolated in my profession. Thankfully I started to connect and have learned so much by being connected!

    1. YES! Sometimes you don’t know what you are missing until you find it! My Twitter PLN is definitely something I was missing in my life.

  3. You are truly such an inspiration and it’s people like you that made me glad I have a twitter account and also what keeps me there when I have the time. It’s wonderful to connect with like minded individuals with a passion for education.

    1. Thank you so much for reading my blog post. Thank you for being an inspiration to me and others. The people I have met on Twitter have been a refuge for me so many times.

  4. I used to think Twitter would be a gimmick for me in my career. Turns out, it might be the single greatest collaboration tool I have.

    Also, ROLL TIDE!

    1. I totally agree! I cannot imagine teaching without Twitter now. Glad we connected on the gratitude project and ROLL TIDE!

  5. Your jouney into twitter is so much like mine. I was introduced, dipped my toe in, lurked, contributed and now can’t imagine being without it. It has accelerated my growth as an educator. So grateful to count you in my PLN.

  6. This is a great reflection, Carol… and it shows so much of who you are as a learner and educator. You share so much of yourself and your learning experiences! Thanks for helping me to grow and learn along with you, friend. I’m so glad we met!

    1. Thanks,Michelle. You were one of my earliest connections on Twitter. I’m glad we met, too! AND I’m thrilled that we actually met face to face a few times!

  7. Kudos to you for still writing blog posts! I gave that up a long time ago. This is a great refection and I am glad I was there to share those esrly days in Twitter with you. We learned a lot from each other!

    1. Ha! This is my first post in over a year! 🙂 It felt good to write a post though. I know I have learned a lot from you. I’m so grateful that we have met face to face a few times! 🙂

  8. Thank you Carol for being an amazing inspiration and #2ndchat lead. We have grown so much and continue to learn new things every day. I get to point out at our Mastermind and twitter chat on the amazing effaciacy of this unique PLN. Keep it up!

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