Let me start by defending myself. I do share what I hoard. You can do that with ideas. I love sharing great ideas and probably get on colleagues nerves because I’m always emailing new sites/ideas. HOWEVER, I have so many great ideas that just sit in my favorites on Twitter or pinned on Pinterest. I mean to use them. I pinned them. I hit that star so it’s in my favorites on my twitter profile but many remain there.
Have you ever watched Hoarders? The hoarders say they have “treasures” in all that pile of clothes, trash and boxes. They meant to use that awesome painting but it gets lost in the piles. I can’t wrap my brain around their houses because I am a little OCD about mine being clean and tidy but I do understand treasures being unused. They sort of remind me of the recipe books I have in my cabinet. I’m sure the best thing I have never cooked lies in those books. But my students deserve the ideas to happen.
So now that I have confessed, I feel better. I do use so many ideas from Twitter and Pinterest but some of the best are just waiting to be used with my students. In order to help myself, I have organized my pins by more descriptive boards. When an idea is easier to find, it’s more likely to be used. I have decided I am going to take a few minutes each night to review my “favorites” on twitter and either add to my “to do list” or pin it for use later.
I am excited about my organized collection of ideas. I spent today sorting through them and there are incredible ideas that I want to implement THIS year. I have also started an ‘idea” page with lists of how I can use the ones that most fit my current need and planning stage.
I still have a few items to organize but here’s my Pinterest page.
I do have non-school boards but if you a “treasure” board, follow it. I am now proudly using the ideas instead of just holding a picture of them.